A Message To Our Audience

We’re still here!!!

Really. We promise. We’ve been on summer hiatus and, well, summer – and life – just got completely out of control. In good ways and not-so-good-ways. Lots of travel, lots of work (day job stuff) and even some troublesome COVID-19 thrown into the mix :( And we’re dealing with a bunch of life changes headed into the Fall (all good stuff). 

Rest assured, we are committed to continuing to tell great stories that inspire and entertain kids of all ages. And, most importantly, we truly appreciate everyone who listens to “Best Whatever Ever!” We are motivated by all the amazing fan letters and positive feedback we get from you. It fuels us and makes producing this podcast a joy.

So thank you for your patience with us and we will be back soon(ish) with more stories and episodes.

All the Best,

Ira, Spencer and Scarlett
