Season 3 Episode 4: Albert Apeinstein & The Haunted Halloween Harbor

It’s Halloween and that means Albert Apeinstein, the world’s smartest chimp, is back! After sneaking out of the zoo for the night, Albert stumbles onto a Halloween party at Trickelberry Harbor where he meets a daredevil boy who declares he’s “un-scardable.” The boy is determined to climb onboard a haunted boat docked at the harbor and meet the ghost he’s certain lives inside. Joined by Albert, will the boy meet a ghost? And is the boy really as “un-scardable” as he says he is? Tune in to find out. 

And please send us your Halloween costume ideas for Scarlett and Spencer to !!! THANK YOU!!!

And also please listen to last Halloween’s episode starring Albert Apeinstein: “Albert Apeinstein Saves Halloween!”

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